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Car rental Crete, Crete


Driving in cretan roads with a car hire

driving Cretan roads with a hire car

Driving tips when rent a car in Crete

If you are on a trip to Crete Island then driving through the island is the best way to discover this beautiful place. However driving in Crete is not the same as driving in any other European or American countries. It is so because Cretans have some unique traffic rules, traditional you may say that is completely different from what most of us are used to. Moreover the terrain of Crete is a little dicey thing to manage but with little guidance anyone can master driving in this terrain.

Goat on Crete’s mountain roadsCretan roads are a little tricky to negotiate, especially those that are narrow country and mountain roads with blind bends and steep incline. Sealed roads lead to dirt tracks which qualifies only four wheelers to negotiate these tracks. Apart from the mountain roads Cretan roads are generally quite and without much traffic. So you can travel peacefully. One big problem with Cretan roads is the road signs and symbols. Contrasted to what you are used to, the probability is that you will be completely baffled and confused with the signs. Hence it will be much better idea if you carried an instruction leaflet for Cretan road signs with you. Cretans, in general Greeks, are considered as rowdy drivers. Hence to make your driving more daunting you can come across occasional Cretans grossly violating traffic rules and endangering you in the process. There are speed differentials depending on the area you are driving through. City areas have a speed limit of 50km/hr, roads outside cities have a speed limit of 80 km/hr and national highways have a speed limit of 90 km/hr. We advise you to hire a Gps Navigator together with your rental car in Crete so it will lead you to your destination and will give all the road directions and instructions that you need.

Animal on the road: Beware of the sheep’s and Goats near the mountain roads. Occasionally a goat can hurdle near your car or in the middle of the road only with a jump. Lower your car speed and use the vehicle horn to distract them!

If you follow the rules of the Cretans then driving on Cretan roads is not a big deal at all. Expect to be stopped by police van if you are not following rules. Parking is not a major problem here except when you reach the major towns. So if you are exploring Crete Island on a car, make sure you know the traffic rules well.

About The Author:
Ioannis Kastrinakis is client representative at Cretarent

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