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How Long Term Car Rentals Mean Big Time Savings

If you require renting a car for over 28 days, you can easily save money by opting for a long term rental plan. They can be fixed for 1-11 months, each month offers you a proportion of savings. The longer the period is, the more you can save. Some firms rent a car Crete for a minimum of seven days. This ensures that the customer gets the vehicle at an already discounted daily price.

Various benefits

Other benefits of long term rentals entail not giving the vehicle every month. All rental contracts for the desired months of the vehicle’s use are set initially. Some companies will require having the car checked and serviced after a particular mileage count. You will get a bill every month. Other firms provide hotel points and airline miles to individuals who opt for monthly rental plans and sign up for their regular traveller program. Also, you have the 24 hr emergency service that you can get in touch with no matter where you are.

Flexibility and freedom

When you opt to rent a car Crete long term, it offers you the flexibility and freedom that you only get by owning a car; but without actually having to buy one and spend on overhead in tax and maintenance. If your workplace is far away from home, you can rent a car for the long term rather than purchasing a car for a few years. Even if you happen to resell your owned car, you will still stand to lose in deprecation.

Check schemes before renting

There are some companies through which you can save money by renting for 28 days instead of a 30-day regular period. You must check the schemes and compare them with other daily rentals to observe if you should opt for a long term rental plan. Otherwise, there are companies that you can opt for which provide savings on monthly plans.


One thing that you must note when choosing a car rental firm, is that some firms provide inexpensive rates. But they will increase the budget with surcharges, insurance, and other amenities. Have your calculator in hand to calculate the exact price that you would be paying.

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