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Car rental Crete, Crete, Holidays


Rent a car in Crete with your pet friend

As important is the safety of children in the car, so important is the safety of pets when traveling with us. First, for our own safety, might come suddenly upon us as we drive or jump from an open window causing an accident. Our lovely pets are not always the ideal passengers on a journey to Crete especially with a rental car and the last thing anyone wants is to feel their claws clinging to our back and leads to the highway. To ease your trips try to create an environment as comfortable as possible for your pet. Moreover, the car is a new and strange environment for a dog or a cat. You need to include a travel crate (the bigger the better) to transfer the pet, a light cover for the cage, small container hygiene, food and water bowls. Always keep your pet in the cage which must be carefully tied to the seat to reduce the risk of injury.

Some useful tips when renting a car in Crete with a pet:


  • Try to make your pet gradually familiar with the car rides, starting with a short around the block of your house. Then, increase the duration. Educate young animals from your journey by car to learn the cage, seat with the pet in the back of the car if its possible.
  • You always tied the leash to your dog when you driving the car. This will reduce the chance of lost or injured by another car.
  • Do not allow your pet to sit in the front seat or in your lap or on the floor, the pet can entangled with the throttle and brakes.
  • Keep windows closed with A/C on or try to hold the animal’s head inside. Many dogs and cats tend to move their head out of the car window but if something is drawing attention the pet will not hesitate to jump out! Besides, the air can injure eyes of the animal or put something in his ears.
  • Always carry your towels and a disinfectant. Do not forget to bring wet wipes and plastic bags for any accidents … (vomiting). Be sure to stretch a cap or small blanket on car seats.
  • Bring with you the favorite toy or your preferred rug for the pet.
  • Every few hours, making stops for the bathroom and to drink water. Because water is poured easily into the moving car, give your dog ice cubes to quench its thirst.
  • Never leave your pet in a rental car, even for a few minutes. There is risk of getting heat stroke and die.


About The Author:
Ioannis Kastrinakis is client representative at Cretarent

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